
Tube of choice i used Very Many. 
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE
FTU Brimstone scrap kit HERE. thanks Dianna.
New mask by me Chas mask2 HERE. thanks Chas.
Font of choice i used Crusades.
VM natural sparkle.
Eyecandy gradient glow.
dsb flux bright noise.
File 650x650 fill with white, new layer fill with paper of choice
mask new from image select and apply mask merge mask visable.
Add dsb bright noise set on mix 50.
Resize frame12 paste as new layer place on top center of mask.
Magic wand click in center of frame selections
modify exspand by5 fill with paper of choice drag below frame
selections invert delete on keyboard.
Resize full moon2 paste as new layer place to top left of inside frame delete on keyboard.
Resize tube of choice of choice paste as new layer place
center of frame delete on keyboard select none
drag below frame, paste tube again drag on top of 1st tube
and align it up drop shaddow erase bottom of tube.
Drop shaddow frame.
Resize charms 4 and 5 paste as new layers drop shaddow
place and arrange top left and right of frame see mine for details.
Resize temptation wordart paste as new layer place to left
side of frame drop shaddow.
Resize tall black candle paste as new layer place to bottom right
of frame drop shaddow.
Resize tombstone1 paste as new layer place on top bottom left
of black tall candle drop shaddow.
Resize Gothic candle black paste as new layer place
on top bottom of tombstone drop shaddow.
Resize gothic flames paste as new layer place to bottom left
of frame drop shaddow.
Resize black cat paste as new layer place on top right
of frame drop shaddow.
Crop if needed, add url copyright and licence.
Add name i used a paper fill for mine place bottom center of frame
add EC gradient glow then add a drop shaddow.
Highlight frame paper fill effects VM Natural sparkle set on 19
edit copy merged paste in animation shop as new image
back to psp undo sparkle add sparkle set on 20
edit copy merged paste in animation shop after current frame.
Repeat two more times 3rd. set on 18 and 4th set on 24.
View animation save as.
File 650x250 fill with same paper of tag frame fill.
Add the same elelments you used for your tag see mine for placement
resize and drop shaddow each layer as you go.
Resize tube paste as new layer drop shaddow place
to left side of template.
Highlight background selections select all float
selections modify contract by5 invert fill with black add noise set on 50
drag to top select none.
Add url copyright and licence.
Add name place bottom of template add glow and drop shaddow.
Add sparkles as with your tag setting as following.
19.20.21 and 22.
View animation save as.
file 150x150 work as for template resizing as you go.
Again see mine for placement of elements.
Add copyright and licence.
Add 1st.letter of name place to bottom right of avi.
Add sparkle as with your banner setting as follows.
View animation save as.
hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

Black Magic Woman

Tube of choice i used Witch Sexy by Ismael Rac.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
FTU happy Halloween Black magic Woman HERE
Nip over to Dianne's blog, she has some awesome kits to be had
Thanks hun for sharing.
Stary night mask NR02 HERE. thanks vaybs.
Font of choice i used Impact on Caps.
Alien skin5 nature fire plugin.
File new 700x700 crop later fill with white.
New layer fill with paper of choice,mask new from image
select and apply mask merge mask visable duplicate image mirror.
I added psp weave effect to mine.
Resize frame1 colourize Hue23 Saturation 126.
Paste as new layer rotate 90% anyway.
Magic wand click in center of frame selections modify
exspand by5 resize paper of choice paste as new layer
invert delete on keyboard drag below frame drop shaddow frame.
Resize tube of choice paste as new layer place to left side
of frame give it a heavy drop shaddow.
Resize rose1 paste as new layer place on top of tubes hand
rotate slightly drop shaddow erase stem of rose thats over her hand.
Resize wordart button colourize as above paste as new layer
place to top right corner of frame drop shaddow.
Resize brazier paste as new layer on top bottom corner of frame drop shaddow.
Resize cauldron colourize as above paste as new layer
place to bottom left of brazier drop shaddow.
Resize stick pin5 paste as new layer image mirror place on top
of cauldron so that the spider shows on the left drop shaddow
erase part of end of stick see mine for details.
Add url copyright and licence.
Add name in Caps size 48 font gold and black colour
change black to gradient linear angle47 repeat 4 add inner bevel as follows
1st bevel. 8. 0. 20. 0. 0. colour white. 315 angel. 50. 30.
Drop shaddow, place to top center of frame.
Crop if needed.
Highlight brazier layer use freehand tool draw around all the flames
on the brazier add fire as settings shown below.
Direction 87.
Start from bottom.
Change random seed on each layer.

You may have to play with these settings to get it how you want it.

Remember to select none, edit copy merged, paste in animation shop
for the 1st frame as new image, then the other two frames
paste after current frame.
Remeber to undo select none and fire then add fire for each fire layer.
View animation save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.