Lemon Delight

Tube of choice i used Verymany.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Citrus Heaven kit,thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
Deviantdesigner mask4.Thanks Lynn for sharing.HERE.
Penta.com dot and cross plugin.
Font of choice i used Vivaldi
Drop shaddow throughout.
File new 700x700 crop later,fill with white,new layer fill with following gradient.
Foreground #E88328.Background #981B07.Make Linear gradient from background,Angel45.10repeats.
mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.Add penta.com dot and cross default.
Resize Frame2 by85.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click in all blank frames,modify exspand by5,
Resize paper4 by75,paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.Add psp weave effect.
Resize tube45.paste as new layer on top left of frame,hit delete.Select none.
paste tube again on top of original,Sharpen,Erase overlapping of tube at bottom of frame.
Resize 5by60.Paste as new layer on top of original lemons on frame,
Rotate slightly left lemon,drop shaddow.
Resize 33 by45.Paste as new layer on top left of frame,sharpen drop shaddow.
Resize 40 by45.paste as new layer on top of tubes right hand,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize 12 by60,paste as new layer bottom left of frame, flip, mirror erase overlapping.
at left of frame,drop shaddow,
Add url,copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom center of lemons,drop shaddow.
Crop around tag,resize 110 percentage of origina.
Delete white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Garv attitude

Tube of choice i used keith Garvey.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
MuRa's Meister coppies.
Eye candy gradient glow.
Font of choice i used Dungeon.
File new 650x255.Fill with white.
Copy and paste main tube as new layer.
Effects MuRa's Meister copies.default wallpaper rotate.
Effects Mosaic antique,default settings.
Copy and paste main tube as new layer to right of template.
Drop shaddow.Duplicate move to right of frame,resize by90.
Showing from nose to bottom of bra.
Precepts tool,Rectangle size3.colour #952E32.Antialis and create as vector ticked.
Draw narrow rectangle across template.Add noise Random100.
Magic wand,click in center of rectangle.New layer fill with black.
Merge these two layers visable drag on top of left tube.under right tube.
Add Attitude wordart on top left of rectangle.add noise as above.
New layer on top of all layers,select all,fill with #952E32.
Modify contrast by4,hit delete,select none.Add noise as above.
New layer fill with black,select all,modify contrast b72,hit delete select none.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name place between the two tubes,Appl EC gradient glow colour Halo on3.
Add ec gradient glow this time on thin white on3.Save as PNG.
File new 150x150 fill with white.
Copy each layer from banner to aviator.Resize as you go by75.
Place 1st.letter of name on top center left of rectangle.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Be Mine

Tube of choice i used Misticheskaya.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Girly red kit.Thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
Montisblindsmask,thanks Monti,HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice i used Cupid de Locke.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File 650x650,fill with white,Copy and paste paper10.as new layer
mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.Duplicate.
Copy and paste frame10 as new layer on top center of mask.Magic wand,
Click in center of frame.Modify exspand by5,Copy and paste paper12 as new layer,
Invert hit delete,drag below frame.Add tramages tow the line,default setting.
Now apply psp weave effect.2.7.23.both colours #AE342F.Fill gaps ticked.
Resize tube by45,paste as new layer on top center of frame,Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Erase overlapping of tube at bottom of frame.
Resize26 by45.Paste as new layer top left of frame,Colourize Hue255.Saturation 182.
Sharpen,then drop shaddow.
Resize2 by70.Paste as new layer left center of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Duplicate image mirror.
resize48 by45.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,sharpen,
Apply ec gradient glow,thin white on3.Duplicate.
Apply ec gradient glow on both flowers and heart lock.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of frame drop shaddow.
Crop around tag,resize by650 pixels width.Delete white background.Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Love Sucks

Tube of choice i used DI_Halim.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Love Sucks kit.HERE.
BBD mask 167.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice i used Allura.
Drop shaddow throughout unless otherwise stated.
File ne 650x650,fill with white,New layer fill with background gradient as followers.
Foreground #C40013.Background black.Linear.45 Angle,10 repeats.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize element27 by60.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.Magic wand,
Click in center,Modify exspand by5.Copy and paste paper1 as new layer,
invert hit delete,drag below frame,drop shaddow frame.
Resize tube by60,paste as new layer,right of frame.sharpen,duplicate.
Gussian blur on 5,Change blend mode to softlight.Drop shaddow.
Resize element38.by45,Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize element28 by45.Paste as new layer
right of frame,sharpen,apply ec gradient glow,thin white on 3.
Resize element43.by45.Paste as new layer on top bottom right of hand,
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize element68 by45.Paste as new layer on top center of mask,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of Cat,red drop shaddow.
Crop around tag,resize by 650 pixel width.delete white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

With Love

Tube of choice i used Verymany.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Plumtasic kit.Thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
Mask 237.Thanks for sharing,HERE.
Animation.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used Allura.
Drop shaddow throughout,unless stated otherwise.
File new 650x650,fill with white.Copy and paste paper3.Mask new from image,
Select and apply mask,merge mask visable,use deformation tool to stretch to fit.
Resize frame7 by75.Paste as new layer on top center of mask,Magic wand,click in frames
Modify exspand by5,Resize background from tube by75.
Paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frames.
Open close up tube,image mirror,paste as new layer in 1st.frame,
hit delete,change blend mode to overlay.Select none,drop shaddow frame.
Resize full tube by45,paste as new layer right of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize7 by45.Paste as new layer top left of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize24 by45.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize 13 by45,paste as new layer,bottom of wordart,drop shaddow,
image mirror,erase what you do not want showing.
Resize 30 by45.Paste as new layer on top bottom left of mask.
Sharpen,then drop shaddow.Duplicate image mirror,image flip,image mirror.
Duplicate image mirror.move to top right of frame.
Resize 44 by45,Paste as new layer on top bottom right of tube.
Sharpen,drop shaddow,rotate slightly left.
Resize 50 by15,paste as new layer on top right of envelope,
rotate slightly,sharpen,unsharpen mask,drop shaddow.
Resize28 by45.Paste as new layer on top center of envelope.drop sharpen.
Resize paper4 by45,Highlight frame,select all float,modify exspand by5
paste paper as new layer,invert,hit delete,select none.
Draw around overlapping of paper,cut.
Crop around tag,resize by650 pixel width.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.
Open animation resize by60,edit select all,edit copy,
Highlight 1st.frame of tag,edit select all,edit paste in selected frame.
Place to bottom left of tag,View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Black Sparkle

Tube of choice,i used Jennifer Janesko.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
dsb Flux bright noise.
Eye Candy gradient glow.
VM Natural Sparkle.
Font of choice i used Vivaldi
File new 650x255.Fill with black.
Change foreground colour to #AE342F.Background to black.
Make background linear gradient,Angle45.10.repeats.
Precepts shapes,Rectangle,Antialias and Create as vector ticked.Line width2.
Close forground to nil,draw narrow rectangle across and towards top of template,
Add EC gradient glow,thin white size3.duplicate image flip.
Resize main tube by85.Paste as new layer on top left of template,
sharpen,then drop shaddow.
Copy and paste close up tube as new layer on top right of template,
image mirror drop shaddow.
New layer on top of all layers,fill with same gradient as above,
Select all modify contrast by2,hit delete,select none,
Add Bright noise set on mix size 100.
Duplicate resize by90.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name on top center of template.add EC gradient glow,thin white mix on3.
Highlight black background.
Effects VM Natural sparkle,default setting,just change max size to 13.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.
back to psp.Undo sparkle,add sparkle again max 15.Edit copy merged,
paste in animation shop after current frame.Back to psp.
Undo sparkle,add sparkle max 18.Edit copy merged,
paste in animation shop after current frame.
View animation,save as.
File new 150x150 fill with black.
Copy and paste each layer from banner,paste on aviator as new layers.
Move tube over to the left of template.
Apply same both frame borders as on banner.
Add copyright and licence number.
Add 1st.letter of name on top center of triangles,add EC gradient glow.
Now add same borders as on banner.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Steampunk princess

Tube of choice i used Elias Chatzoudis.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Steampunk Burlesque kit.HERE.
BBD mask121 Steampunk.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used FHA Condensed French Shaded NC.
drop shaddow throughout,unless otherwise stated.
File new 650x650,fill with white,new layer fill with following made gradient.
Foreground #E68037.Fill colour #302D26.Linear 45 Angel.10 repeats.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize Frame1 by75.paste as new layer,on top center of mask.
Magic wand click in center of left frame,Modify exspand by5 fill with paper6.drag below frame.
Copy and paste close up tube,invert hit delete,Change blend mode to Luminance.Select none.
Resize paper8 by75.Magic wand click in right frame,modify exspand by5,
Paste paper8 as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize Full tube by75.Paste as new layer on top bottom of frame,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Gears3 by45.duplicate image flip image mirror,place top left of tubes head.
Resize Gears1 by45.Paste as new layer bottom right of frame.Drop shaddow.
Copy and paste Bird on top left of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize Bracelet by45.Paste as new layer on top bottom left of full tube.drop shaddow.
Resize Hat by30.Paste as new layer top right of frame,rotate slightly,drop shaddow.
Resize Glasses by30.Paste as new layer on top of gears1.drop shaddow.
Resize Bottles1 and Bottle2 by30.Paste as new layer on top bottom center of left frame.sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Watch1 by45.Paste as new layer on top left bottom of frame and bird.
Drag below bottle1,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Please see my tag for details for placing elements,i got a wee bit confused lol.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name top left of frame,drop shaddow.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Urban Steampunk Hunk

Tube of choice i used verymany.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Urban Hunk kit.HERE.
BBD mask 167.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used HerrFoch Trash.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File new 650x60,fill with white.new layer fill with #020202.Mask new from image,
Select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize frame6 by50.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.magic wand,
click in center of frame,effects Mura's Meister clouds,
Light White.FG white.BG #808080.
Resize 55 by45.paste as new layer invert delete on keyboard,drag below frame.
Drop shaddow,select none.
Resize3 by30,Paste as new layer bottom right of frame,Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize full tube by45.Paste as new layer on top left bottom side of truck.Drop shaddow.
Resize40 by15.Paste as new layer under tubes right hand,Sharpen
unsharpen mask,drop shaddow,
Resize 4 by15.Paste as new layer on top of right leg of tube,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize35 by30.Paste as new layer bottom left on top of mask,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize37 by30.Paste as new layer on top left of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize59 by30.Paste as new layer top right of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize36 by15,paste as new layer top left of frame,sharpen,unsharpen mask,drop shaddow.
Resize34 by10.Paste as new layerright of whisky bottol,sharpen,
Unsharpen mask,then drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of right hand on tube,drop shaddow.
delete white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Punk biker

Tube of choice,i used Arthur Crowe.
PTU Let's to rock Tube and Kit.HERE.
BBD mask 155.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used the quiet scream.
Drop shaddow throughout,unless stated otherwise.
File new 650x650,fill with white,Copy and paste paper11 as new layer.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize element15 by75,Paste as new layer on top of mask.Magic wand.
Click in center of frame,Copy and paste background from tube.Invert,
Hit delete,drag below frame,drop shaddow frame.
Resize full tube by60.Paste as new layer on top bottom center of frame.
Hit delete,paste tube again on top of original,drop shaddow,erase overlapping of tube on bottom.
Copy and paste element14 as new layer bottom right of frame,Drop shaddow.
Resize element1 by45.Paste as new layer on top right of frame,Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize element18 by45.Paste as new layer on top right of bike,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize element5 by45.Paste as new layer on top bottom left of frame,
Drag below bike,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize element5 by30.Paste as new layer on top left of radio,
sharpen,drop shaddow.Erase part of ear piece you don't showing.
Resize element28 by30.Paste as new layer left center of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom of bike,drop shaddow.
Crop around tag then resize 650 pixels width.
Delete white background,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Rocker Chic

Tube of choice i used DI_Halim.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Rocker Chic kit,Thanks Clare for this awesome kit.HERE.
BBD mask 167.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used NewRocker.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File new 650x650 fill with white.
Copy and paste paper19 as new layer,mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Copy and paste frame2 as new layer on top center of mask.Magic wand.
Click on all blank stars on frame,modify exspand by5,fill with #7B061A.
drag below frame.Select none Merge layers visable.
Magic wand click in center of frame.Modify exspand by5.Fill with paper2 as new layer
invert hit delete,drag below frame.Select none.Drop shaddow frame.
Copy and paste close up tube to right of frame.
Copy and paste Rco8 as new layer on top of tubes face.
Resize full tube by45.paste on top left of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Cut R from Rockeron frame, paste on top of original.
Resize Rc28 by75.paste as new layer on top bottom of Rocker Chick wordart.drop shaddow.
Resize RC)5.record by45.paste as new layer on top bottom right of frame.drop shaddow.drag to bottom of frame paper.
Resize RC37 by45.Add glow,Paste as new layer just above record disc
add EC gradient glow white thin on 3.
Resize RC03 by30.paste as new layer bottom right on top of mask.duplicate
image mirror,duplicate image flip image mirror.
Resize RC34 by90,paste as new layer top right of tag,drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name top center of frame,drop shaddow.
Crop around tag if needed.Deleted white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.


Tube of choice i used Rzhevskii.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Green Envy kit.Thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
BBD mask236.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Monti bling.Thanks Monti for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used EasyLombardic Two.
Drop shaddow throughout,unless otherwise staed.
File new 700x700 crop later,fill with white,
Copy and paste paper2 as new layer,mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize frame2 by75,paste as new layer on top center of mask,
Magic wand,click in all empty blacks around frame,modify exspand by5
new layer fill with #CE7F1E.Drag below frame,Drop shaddow.
Magic wand click in center of frame.Modify exspand by5.
Resize paper12 by50.Paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Add psp weave effect.drop shaddow frame.
Resize tube by75,paste as new layer bottom right of frame,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize GE50 by25.Paste as new layer left of tubes foot,sharpen,unsharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize GE45. by45.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize GE02 by45.Paste as new layer top left of frame,
sharpen,drop shaddow,erase small part of the pin,rotate slightly.
add url copyright and licence number.
Add name top center of frame,drop shaddow.
Edit copy merged,Paste ion animation shop as new animation.Duplicate 9 times.
Open bling edit select all,edit copy,Highlight 1st.frame on tag.
Edit select all,edit paste in selected frame.
Place top left above knee of tube.View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

clover me

Tube of choice i used Barbara Jensen Layered 49-3.HERE.
FTU Paddy O'Mally kit.thanks for sharing,HERE.
Bling,if this is yours,let me know so i can credit you for it.HERE.
BBD mask 237,thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used Dungeon.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File new 700x700,crop later.Fill with white.Copy and paste paper3 as new layer,
mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Copy and paste button frame as new layer on top center of mask,
Magic wand click in center,modify exspand by5,paste paper25.as new layer,
invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize Balldangle1 by75.paste as new layer,hit delete,drop shaddow.
Resize Tube by75.Paste as new layer on top bottom center of frame.hit delete.
Paste tube again on top of original,drop shaddow,erase overlapping of tube bottom of frame.
Resize Vine flowers by75,image mirror image flip,rotate slightly place
on top bottom of mask,Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Sign by60.paste as new layer right of frame,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Golden bow by15.Paste as new layer on top of sign,sharpen,unsharpen mask,drop shaddow.
Resize Rosejasmine by60.bottom right corner of frame.Sharpen,drop shaddow.Flip,mirror.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Butterfly b745.paste as new layer on top center of rose,drop shaddow.
Resize Blackpotofgold by55.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Hat by45.Paste as new layer on top left of pot of gold,rotate slightly left
draw arounf handle of pot of gold,with freehand tool on point to point
paste on top of original handle on pot of gold.
Resize Mug by30,Paste as new layer right of pot of gold,sharpen
unsharpen mask,drop shaddow.
Resize Pipe by30.paste as new layer on top bottom of pot of gold,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize double clover by60.Paste as new layer top left of frame,image mirror.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of tag,drop shaddow.
Crop all around your tag.
edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation,duplicate 20 times.
Open bling resize by60.edit select all,edit copy,highlight 1st.frame of tag,
edit select all,edit paste in selected frame,place on top of pot of gold.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.


Tube of choice i used Barbara Layered 49-2.HERE.
FTU Lucky Fairy kit,Thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
BBD mask 233.Thanks for sharing,HERE.
dsb Flux bright noise plugin.
Font of choice i used Celticmd.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File new 700x700,fill with white,resize later.
Copy and paste paper18 as new layer,mask new drom image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Coy and paste frame5 as new layer,on top center of mask,
Colourize Hue.91.Saturation.126.Magic wand click in center,modify exspand by5.
Copy and paste paper7 as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.Drop shaddow frame.
Effects psp effects weave effect.
Resize tube by75,Paste as new layer on top center bottom of frame.hit delete,
paste tube again on top of original,drop shaddow,erase overlapping of tube at bottom.
Resize Lf03 by30.Paste as new layer top right of frame,
Sharpen,drop shaddow,erase small part of pin in center.
ResizeLF07 by72.Paste as new layer.colourize Hue.28.Saturation.126.
Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,drop shaddow.Add noise mix 50. 
Resize LF14 by75,paste as new layer,on top of tubes left hand.Rotate slightly,
Drop shaddow,duplicate rose again,place to lefy of original rose,
erase stems showing on the tubes thumb.
ResizeLF02 by75.Paste as new layer on top right center of frame,
Image mirror,drop shaddow.Add noise mix 50.
Resize LF32 by45.image mirror,paste as new layer on top LF02.
Rotate slightly,drop shaddow.
use freehand tool on point to point,draw around bottom part of LF12,
Hit delete,copy and paste as new layer,resize by30.
Paste as new layer bottom right of frame,drop shaddow.
Copy and past LF01,as new layer under LF12,drop shaddow.
Resize LF39 by30.Paste as new layeron top bottom left of hat
sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize LF34 by45.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize LF46 b730,paste as new layer on top bottom center of frame.
Sharpen unsharpen mask,drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.Add name name bottom right of tag,drop shaddow.
crop around your tag.Delete white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Luck of the Irish

Tube of choice i used Barbara Jensen.Layered 49-1 HERE.
FTU Lucky Fairy kit,Thanks Clare for sharing.HERE.
BBD mask163.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used Celtic Garamond the 2nd.
Drop shaddow throughout unless otherwise stated.
Fill new 700x700,fill with white,crop and resize later.
Copy and paste paper14 as new layer,Mask new from image,
select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Copy and paste frame2 as new layer,on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click in center,modify exspand by5,fill with paper4
invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize tube by75.Paste as new layer bottom center of frame.Hit delete.
Select none,paste tube again on top of original tube,
Drop shaddow,erase overlapping of tube at bottom of frame.Drop shaddow frame.
Resize LF32 by60.Paste as new layer on top bottom left of frame, sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize LF27 by30.Paste as new layer on top bottom right of cupcake.
Sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow,
Resize LF11 by60.Paste as new layer on top bottom right of frame.drop shaddow.
Resize LF05 by45,image flip,image mirror.Paste as new layer on top left of frame,
Sharpen,then drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right center of frame,drop shaddow.
Crop,resize by650 pixel width.Delete white background,save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Hearts and gifts

Tube of choice i used Barbara Jensen layered 50-1.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Scrap kit Valentine.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Aqua rebel mask 002.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
dsb Flux bright noise plugin.
Font of choice i used http://aquarebel315.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Masks?zx=ab2346be0d3662fa
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise is.
File 700x700 fill with white.Edit copy and paste paper16 as new layer.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.Add psp weave effects.
Resize frame8 by30.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.Magic wand,
Click in center,modify exspand exspand by5,Resize paper22 by20.
Paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize tube by70.Paste as new layer bottom center of frame.hit delete.
Select none,paste tube again,on top of original.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.Erase overlapping of tube at bottom of frame.
Drop shaddow the frame.
Resize element38.by15.paste bottom center of frame.
Sharpen unsharpen mask,then drop shaddow.
Resize elements 37 and 40.by15.Arrange either side of center present,
Sharpen unsharpen mask,drop shaddow as you go.See mine for details.
Resize element36 by10.paste as new layer on top bottom of lefr presents
sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow.Duplicate image mirror.
Duplicate move under bottom center present.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom center of tag,drop shaddow.
Highlight frame effects,dsb bright noise,mix on30.Edit copy merged,
Paste in animation shop as new animation.Back to psp.
Undo noise,add noise set on mix 40.Edit copy merged,Paste in animation shop
after current frame,Back to psp,undo noise,add noise mix50.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop after current frame.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Smile for Valentine

Tube of choice i used Barbara Jensen.Layered 51-3.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
Love is in the air,cluster frame.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice,i used.Jellyka - Love and Passion
Open cluster frame.Magic wand,click in all blanks.modify exspand by5.
Make gradient from Foreground #FE8484.Background #D7162C.Linear Angle45.6 repeats.
New layer and Fill with this gradient,drag below frame.Add psp weave effect. 
Resize tube by65,paste as new layer bottom center of frame.
Invert hit delete,Select none.Duplicate tube,drag to top,align it on top of original.
Drop shaddow overlapping of tube at bottom of frame.
Drop shaddow frame
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of tag,Add EC gradient glow.then drop shaddow.
Crop.resize 650 pixels width.Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Kiss me

Tube of choice Barbara Jensen.Bonus tube.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Valentine Collab 2010 kit.Thanks vaybs for sharing.HERE.
Animation,Thanks Simone for sharing.HERE.
2gith86.Mask.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow.plugin.
Font of choice i used Kiss Me Quick
Drop shaddow throughout2.2.50.5.unless stated otherwise.
File new 700x700 crop and resize later.
Copy and paste paper4 as new layer.Mask new from image,select and apply mask,Merge mask visable.
Resize frame4 by75.Magic wand click in center,modify exspan by5.
Fill with paper4.Invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize wordart3 by75.sharpen,paste as new layer,just outside of frame.
 Add EC gradient glow,thin white on1.Drop shaddow
Resize wordart.frame.amd paper by110.
Resize tube of choice by75.Paste as new layer bottom right of frame.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize element10 by30.Paste as new layer top right of tubes head.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize element8 by55.Paste as new layer top left of frame
paper fill,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize element6 by45.Paste as new layer,bottom left of frame,
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize WA6 by45.Paste as new layer bottom right of tube,
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.Add name bottom left of tube.Drop shaddow.
Crop resize by650 Pixel width.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.
Duplicate12 times.Open animation resize by75.
Edit select all,edit copy.Highlight 1st.frame of tag,
Edit select all,edit paste in selected frame.Place top left of frame.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Be my Valentine

Tube of choice i used Keith Garvey.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Red-A-Licious scrap kit.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
WSL mask84.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow.
Font of choice i used Valentine.
File 700x700 crop and resize later.Fill with white.New layer,
Fill with paper18,stretch to fit canvas,colourize Hue 250 Saturation 126.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask.merge mask visable.
duplicate image mirror add psp weave effect.
Resize frame3 by85.Colourize Hue 250 Saturation 179.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand click in center modify exspand by5,Colourize paper7.Hue 167.Saturation 114.default.
paste as new layer,invert hit delete.drag below frame.Add EC gradient glow thin white on 3.Select none.
Resize Ral02 by30.Paste as new layer top left of frame.
Sharpen,unsharpen mask.drop shaddow
Resize Ral 14 by60.colourize Hue 250.Saturation 126.
Paste as new layer on top of tubes left arm,Rotate slightly left.
Sharpen then drop shaddow string ends showing on hand.
Add Be my valentine on center of balloon.I used Vrinda size 26.then Ec gradient glow.
Add url copyright and licence number.Add name bottom left of tube,Drop shaddow.
Crop resize 650 pixels width.Delete white background.Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Sexy Val Diva

Tube of choice i used Keith Garvey.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Lil Valentine Kit.HERE.
Aqua Rebel mask315.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used Hole-Hearted.
File new 700x700,crop and resize later,fill with white.
New layer fill with following gradient.Foreground #D6CF60.Background #E83D3D.
Make Linear gradient on darker colour.Angel45.6 Repeats.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask.Merge mask visable.
Use deformation tool to fit with just the edges of mask showing.
Resize E11 by85.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand click in center,Modify exspand by5.
Resize paper1 by85.Paste as new layer invert hit delete
drag below frame,drop shaddow frame.
Copy and paste full tube on top left of frame,drop shaddow as above.
Resize E3 by45.Paste as new layer on top between xs on frame,
Sharpenmthen drop shaddow as above.
Resize E19 by75,Paste as new layer bottom right of tube,
Sharpen then drop shaddow as above.
Resize E1 by45.Paste as new layer above and behind wordart.
Sharpen then drop shaddow as above.
Repeat with E2.Place on top right of original rose.
Resize E15 by30.Paste as new layer on top of the E in wordart.
Sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow as above.
Resize E21 by30.image mirror,paste as new layer on top bottom
of the L in wordart,sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow as above.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name top center of frame,Magic wand click on the blank hearts
modify exspand by3,new layer fill with #D6CF60.drag below name
drop shaddow both name and hearts,as above.
Crop and resize 650 Pixel width.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it. 

Love is all around

Tube of choice i used Keith Garvey.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Red-a-Licious kit.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Simone animation 214 dark.Thanks simone.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow.
dsb Flux bright noise.
Font of choice i used Fontdinerdotcom Luvable.
File 650x255.Fill with white.Copy and paste paper1.as new layer.
Use deformation tool to stretch sides to fit template.
Resize full tube by60.Sharpen unsharpen mask.
Move to right of template Drop shaddow.
Resize layer3 tube by45.Paste as new layer.Sharpen unsharpen,
Move to left of template.Drop shaddow. blend mode to Soft light.
New layer on top of all layers.Fill with gradient made from Foreground.
#F82C56.Background.#48322C.Make darker of the two Sunburst gradient H+V.50.6 repeats.
Select all,modify contradt by7,hit delete on keyboard.Select none.Add psp weave effect.
Add EC gradient glow thin white on3.
New layer fill with #F82C56.select all,modify contrast by4,hit delete.select none.
Add Bright noise to lighter borders on mix100.
Duplicate both borders one at a time,resize by90.Use deformation tool
to stretch to fit just inside of original borders.
Drag full tube to top of template.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name on top right of template,drop shaddow.
Edit copy merged,Paste in animation shop as new animation.
Open animation resize by60.Edit select all,edit copy.Highlight 1st.frame of tag.
Edit select all,edit paste in selected frame.Place between tubes.
Repeat as above but place to right center of template.
View animation,save as.

File 150x150 fill with white.
Copy and paste layers one at a time from banner.
Resize as you go by75.Sharpen layers.
Add borders as on banner but only the 1st.two borders.
Add copyright and licence number.
Add 1st.letter of name to bottom left of template,drop shaddow.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

Love you

Tube of choice i used Alex_Prihodko.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU kit Love you.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Montiblindsmask.Thanks Monti for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice i used Romantically Yours.
Drop shaddow throughout.
File new 700x700 crop and resize later.Fill with white.New layer.
Fill with paper5.mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.Add psp weave effect.
Resize Frame4 by75.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.Magic wand.
Click in center,Copy and papste paper1 as new layer,invert hit delete.Drag below frame.
Resize tube by 35.Paste as new layer bottom center of frame,hit delete.select none.
Paste tube again drag above original tube.Sharpen unsharpen mask.Drop shaddow tube and frame.
Resize bow2.by60.Paste as new layer on center left of frame.Drop shaddow.Duplicate mirror.
Resize fluffyheart by45.Paste as new layer top left of frame,sharpen unsharpen mask.
Add Love you wordart on top center of heart,drop shaddow.
Resize dog by75.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize flower3 by60.paste as new layer bottom right of frame,drop shaddow,
duplicate twice,arrange around  of original flower.
Resize butterfly1 by60.Paste as new layer on top center of flowers,
Sharpen unsharpen then drop shaddow.Resize dog by110.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom center of frame,add EC gradient glow.
Crop then resize 650 pixel width.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.Duplicate 15 times.
Open twink,edit select all,edit copy,highlight 1st.frame of tag.
Edit select all,edit paste in selected frame.Place anywhere on the frame paper.
Repeat as above as many times as you want.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.


Tube of choice i used Arthur Crowe,Sexy Pop tube and kit package. HERE.
BBD_2011Mask_92.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
SimoneAni224.Thanks Simone for sharing.HERE.
Eye candy gradient glow.
Tramages Tow the line.
Font of choice i used Fiolex Girls.
Drop shaddow throughout.
File 700x700 crop and resize later.Fill with white.New layer,
Copy and paste paper10 as new layer,Mask new from image,
Select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize element9 by75.paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click in center,modify exspand by3.Resize paper12.by75.
paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Copy and paste close up tube as new layer,hit delete.
Apply Tramages tow the line default.Select none
Drop shaddow frame.Add EC gradient glow thin white set on 3.
Resize element8 by75.paste as new layer just above bottom of frame.
Magic wand click in center,modify espand by3.copy and paste paper9 as new layer.
invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize full tube by45.image mirror,Paste as new layer.Place in 1st.film strip frame,
I used shoulder to elbow for mine.hit delete.Now repeat this method,
placing another 3parts of your tube,your own choice if not mine.Select none,drop shaddow.
Resize Element13.by15.Paste as new layer bottom center of frame.
Sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow.
Back to your resized tube,undo image mirror.paste as new layer.
On top of bow at bottom of frame,sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Element10 by15.sharpen unsharpen,drop shaddow.duplicate image mirror.
Place one either side of the top of film strip frame.
Resize Element27 by30 rotate left slightly,Sharpen unsharpen,duplicate,drag below original.
Add url copyright and licence number.Add name bottom left of frame.Drop shaddow.
Crop and resize 650 pixel width.
Edit copy merged,Paste in animation shop as new animation.Duplicate by18 times.
Open simone animation,edit select all,edit copy,Highlight 1st.frame of tag.
Edit select all,edit paste in selected frame,place on top center of right lips.
Back to animation edit select all animation mirror,now copy and paste as above.
Placing on top center of lips on the left side.View animation,save as.
hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.