Tube of choice, i used Alex Prihodko.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Pretty Denim scrap kit,HERE.thanks for sharing.
Montiblindsmask HERE. thanks Monti.
Xero Porcelian
Eye Candy gradient glow.
Xero Porcelian
Eye Candy gradient glow.
File new 650x700, we will crop later. Fill with white.
File new 650x700, we will crop later. Fill with white.
New layer fill with paper 11 mask new from image
select and apply mask merge mask visable.
Add psp weave effect twice in red.
Open frame3 edit copy and paste as a new layer on top
center of mask.Open button2 add bevel with settings from my supplies.
Add a button on top of all buttons around the frame
Merge all button layers visable.
Magic wand click in center of frame, selections modify
exspand by5 resize paper10 paste as new layer
drag below frame, selections invert delete on keyboard.
selct none drop shaddow frame.
Open tube of choice, resize paste as new layer place
slightly to right center of frame duplicate on original tube
add gaussian blur set on 4 on copy tube add drop shaddow.
Add Xero Porcelian on following settings...
Softness 50.Strength and Brightness on 128. 25% ticked.
Open flower7 paste as new layer place
top left of frame dropshaddow.
Open flower 1 resize paste as new layer place
beneath flower 7 drag below flower7 drop shaddow.
Resize butterfly paste as new layer place
center right on top of frame drop shaddow.
resize worart1 paste as new layer place on top bottom
of tube drop shaddow.
Crop 650x650 pixels width.
Add url copyright and watermark.
Add name i used text size65 dark navy add gradient glow
then a red drop shaddow.Place just above on top bottom of tube.
Delete white background.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.
Thanks so very much for sharing this tut.