Broken heart

Click on image for a full view.
Tube of choice i used Suzanne Woolcott.
you need a licence to use this art.
You can purchase one HERE.
Deviantdesigner template2 HERE.Thanks Lynn
Font of choice i used Ravie.
Mask unknow but thanks
My wordart
Open template2.
Open template Highlight raster1. fill with white. Delete credit layer. Method for filling layers... Highlight layer you want to fill selections select all selections float selections defloat fill with paper of choice select none delete original layer. For filling layers with a colour only... Same as above but make new layer before filling with colour.
For all same fillings as mine...
Click on colour stroke colour change to pattern
select patterns of choice for filling layer.
Drop shaddow outer frames and other layers of choice.
Highlight centre circle frame magic wand click centre of frame
Resize tube of choice paste as new layer
selections invert delete on keyboard
drag below frame layer drop shaddow.
Resize teardrop from suplies paste as new layer
place just under tubes eye.
Highlight bottom heart add wordart drop shaddow rotate.
Use freehand tool draw thin jaggered line above wordart
Fill with red do another below wordart.
Duplicate teardrop place around broken heart fill with red.
Open circle wordart from suplies paste as new layer
place just outside centre circle frame.
Add name place to bottom of template drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Crop close off white background merge other layers visable.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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