Sexy valentine

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Tube of choice i used Keith Garvey. You need a licence to use this art. You can purchase one HERE. Template by Daph HERE.Thankyou for sharing FTU scrapkit Be my valentine HERE.Thankyou Winni mask 5-4 HERE.Thanks Winni Blings Tripple hearts HERE. The previews don't show
but can still be downloaded thankyou
Font of choice i used Calibri.
Open template delete credit layer.
Method i use for filling layers...
Highlight layer you want to fill selections select all
selections float selections defloat fill with paper of choice
delete original layer.
To fill with just a colour same as above but
make a new layer before filling.
I gave effects to mine use if you want from your psp effects.
Open tube of choice paste as new layer place
on top left of bottom triangle drop shaddow
if you use same tube as me image mirror it.
Highlight bottom triangle layer add wordart drop shaddow.
Highlight white background layer paste paper of choice
as new layer mask new from image select and apply mask
merge mask layer visable make sure it is below template
and on top of white background layer.
Drop shaddow layers tip...
If a shaddow line appears on the white background
click on it with your mover tool then use selection tool
cut outside of shaddow line hit delete on keyboard.
Add name place just below the foot on your tube drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Resize all layers crop edit copy merged paste in animation shop as new image.
Duplicate twice open bling hearts resize edit select all
edit copy back to your tag highlight 1st. frame edit copy in selected frame
place to your liking. Repeat above for your second bling
Remember to resize bling again.
Vew animation save you work.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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