Irish luck

Tube of choice i used Ismael Rac.
You need a licence to use this art you can purchase one HERE.
Feeling luck scrapkit HERE.Thankyou Simone
Montiblindsmask HERE.Thanks Monti
Mura's Meister coppies plugin HERE.
Font of choice i used Juice ITC.
File new 650x700 fill with white.
new layer fill psper of choice mask
select and apply mask merge mask visable.
Resize flower25 paste as new layer in centre of mask
Effects Mura's Meister Coppies encircle set on 12
all other settings on default.
Resize flower28 paste as new layer in centre and on top
flower25 effects Mura's Meister coppies same settings flower25.
Resize flower25 so it shows just outside of flower28.
Highlight flower28 magic wand click in centre modify
exspand by7 paste paper of choice selections invert
delete on keyboard drag below frame.
Highlight flower28 magic wand click in centre modify
exspand by2 resize tube of choice paste as new layer place
in centre of flower selections invert delete on keyboard drag below frame.
Select none paste tube again drag above drop shaddow
Line it up with tube below use selection tool
cut bottom of tube off erase parts of flowers on the tube.
See mine for details.
Resize pot of gold8 paste as new layer place
to bottom right of flowers ring drop shaddow.
Resize bow16 paste as new layer place to bottom of frames
drop shaddow rotate.
Resize horseshoe33 paste as new layer place to bottom left
of frame drop shaddow rotate.
Resize wordart23 paste as new layer place
below bow and pot of gold drop shaddow.
Add name place to left of wordart23 drop shaddow duplicate.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
I added a few tiny stars to the gold on top of the gold pot.
Resize crop delete white background merge layers visable.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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