You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
Halloween series Moonchild template HERE.Thanks for sharing.
FTU Witches den kit HERE. Thanks again Vaybs.
Font of choice i used Sanctury.
Open template delete credit layer.
Highlight layer 18 new layer fill with white.
My method for filling template layers...
Highlight layer your wanting to fill selections select all
selections float paste paper of choice selections invert
delete on keyboard delete original layer.
If your filling layers with just a colour make a new layer before filling.
Layers 17and 18 i used with xenofex 2 constalation effect.
Layer 6 select all selections float selections defloat
fill with the moon element from the kit selections invert
delete on keyboard Delete original layer.
Resize tube of choice paste as new layer place to right
of circle drag above moon delete on keyboard.
Paste tube again drag above 1st tube drop shaddow
align with 1st tube use selection tool cut off overlapping of tube.
Layers 15 and 16 i filled with a gradient i made with 2 colours
from my tube then added psp weave effect.
Layer11 i filled again with colour from my tube
then added tramages tow the line.
Layers 9 and 10 i filled with the moon paper from the kit
then resized the moon and placed it on top of the paper moon.
Then added the face of the ghost on top of the moon.
Layer13 i added a noise set on 50 mix.
Add a noise on the other outer frames set on 50
and different settings either lighter, darker or mix.
Move the Moonchild wordart to top of template.
Layer7 i filled with Mura's Meister cloud set on default
then changed the blend mode to screen then resized the birds
from the kit place them top left corner then changed
the blend mode to soft light duplicate image mirror
erase any of the birds you dont want showing.
Resize the bat paste as new layer place on top of moon
duplicate resize again then duplicate both then image mirror.
For the moon and stars on bottom of template i added a noise.
Add your name place near top of template.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Delete background crop and resize.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.
This is nice. Thank you for shareing the tut