Your Valentine 3way forum set

Tube of choice i used Elias Chatzoudis.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE. PTU Sweet Valentine HERE. Thanks marie. Montiblindsmask HERE. Thank you Monti.
Xero Frittilery filter.
Font of choice i used Kayleigh.
File new 650x650 fill with white new layer
fill with paper of choice mask select and apply mask
merge mask layer visable.
resize frame11 paste as new layer move towards the top.
Magic wand click in center dont forget the part under
bottom of ribbon selections modify exspand by5
fill with paper of choice selections invert delete on keyboard
move below frame layer.
Copy paste close up tube as new layer delete on keyboard
select none change blend mode to soft luminance.
Resize flower spray8 paste as new layer place
to your own liking erase any you do not want showing drop shaddow.
Copy and paste one to top right corner of frame.
Open main tube image mirror copy paste as new layer
place to left of frame drop shaddow.
Resize chocolate box6 image mirror paste as new layer
place on top bottom of tube drop shaddow.
Resize heart pendant15 paste as new layer place
to left bottom of frame drop shaddow.
Add wordart you'r valentine place to bottom left
of frame drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Add name place to top of frame drop shaddow.
Crop resize delete white background.
Save as PNG.
File new 650x250 fill with paper of choice.
Resize flower spray place to your own liking drop shaddow.
Paste tube to either end of banner blend mode on luminance.
Paste main tube in center drop shaddow.
Preset shape tool rectangle draw to length and bottom
of banner in colour of choice drag below center tube
make another rectangle on top of 1st one in a lighter colour
use deformation tool to make it slightly smaller than 1st
so you just see bottom one underneath.
Effects on both rectangles xero tritterly on default settings
change blend on both to soft light.
Add wordart place to bottom left of banner drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Add border set on2 in colour of choice.
Add name place to bottom right of banner drop shaddow.
save as PNG.
File new 250x250.
Work as for the banner on a smaller scale.
Adding the 1st.letter of your name to bottom right
of banner drop shaddow.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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