Proudly Irish

Tube of choice i used Barbara Jensen.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Irishluck scrap kit HERE. Thanking you.
Montiblindmask HERE. Thanks Monti.
Font of choice i used Segoe Print.
File new 650x650 fill with white,new layer
fill with paper of choice mask new from image
select and apply mask merge mask visable.
Copy and paste doodle15 as new layer drop shaddow
place to left side of mask duplicate image mirror.
Resize frame 52 paste as new layer on top of mask
magic wand click inside all centers of frames and any spaces
selections modify exspand by5 paste paper of choice
selections invert delet on keyboard drag bellow frame.
Paste tube as new layer place to bottom of frame
delete on keyboard paste tube again drop shaddow
align with bottom tube erase overlapping of tube at bottom
of frame drag above bottom tube use freehand tool
draw around hands on tube paste as new layer on top of top tube.
Drop mshaddow frame.
Resize letter note31 paste as new layer drop shaddow place
to bottom right corner of frame rotate slightly add wordart on top of letter.
Resize pot of gold22 paste as new layer drop shaddow
place to bottom and under the hands of tube.
Resize gold55 paste as new layer place slightly on top of tube fingers
to the left duplicate image mirror duplicate place in center of other gold.
Resize wordart13 paste as new layer drop shaddow
place to left of pot of gold rotate.
Resize button11 paste as new layer drop shaddow
place to top left corner of frame.
Resize pendant19 paste as new layer place to top right
of frame drop shaddow.
Add name place to top right of frame drop shaddow in yellow.
add url copywrite and watermark delete background.
Crop resize all layers 
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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