Bling it On 2013

Tube of choice, i used Barbara Jensen.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
PTU 2013 Party kit HERE.Thanks for sharing.
Montiblindsmask HERE. Thanks Monti.
Font of choice i used Kirsty.
Xenofex2 Constallation plugin.
File new 650x650 fill with white, new layer fill with paper12.
Mask new from image, select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize Glitter spray paste as new layer on top left corner of mask
drop shaddow duplicate image mirror, duplicate image flip duplicate image mirror.
Resize Frame3 paste as new layer on top center of mask.Drop shaddow.
Resize fireworks4 paste as new layer on top right of frame drop shaddow
duplicate image mirror move on top center of frame.
Resize clock paste as new layer on top center of frame,align it up to fit.
If at this stage you have some of the fireworks showing on the bottom of the frame
then erase, we only want the fireworks showing on the top of the frame.
Resize tube paste as new layer on top left bottom of frame drop shaddow.
Resize stars paste as new layer on top bottom left of tube drop shaddow.
Resize balldrop2 paste as new layer on top bottom right of tube,drop shaddow.
Resize bottle paste as new layer on top bottom right of frame drop shaddow.
Resize Champagne glass paste as new layer on top left of bottle drop shaddow.
Resize ornament paste as new layer on top right of frame drop shaddow
erase any overlapping of the chain on the ornament place in center of the button.
Resize beads2 paste as new layer on top bottom of glass drop shaddow
erase parts so it looks its weaving in and out of elements.
Add url copy right and licence number.
Add name on top bottom center of frame drop shaddow.
Merge the two fireworks layers visable.
Highlight Fireworks, effects xenofex contallation
Star size 2.Size variation 50.Edge star density 31.Overall star density 0.
Overdrive and Twinkle amount 100.Twinkle Rotation 45. Keep original image ticked.
Random seed on 768.
Edit copy merged, paste in animation shop as new animation.
Back to psp undo constalation, add constalation andhit random seed once.
edit copy merged,paste in animation shop after current frame.
Repeat as above but hit ramdom seed just the once.
View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

1 comment:

  1. love this is it up for request if so
    Dianne please and thank you


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