Lover Not A Fighter.

Tube of choice,i used Ismael Rac.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
Template116.HERE.Thanks for sharing.
Eye Candy gradien glow.
dsb Flux Bright noise.
Font of choice,i used Kirsty text size48.
Open template,delete credits layer.
Highlight main background select all float fill with black.Select none.
Merge rectangles background and rectangles borber.
Magic wand click on center of all rectangles,
Change colours to two colours from your tube,
Make the darker color a gradient.Linear.Angle 60.Repeats 7.
Fill rectangles with your gradient,select none.
Highlight border,select all float,fill with your lighter colour.Select none.
Resize your tube,sharpen.Paste as new layer on top left of template.
Duplicate image mirror.
Crop apaque merged.
Add url,copyright and licence number.
Add name,i gave mine a white gradient glow.
Highlight horizontal lines duplicate twice,name 1.2.and 3.
Close 2 and 3,highlight 1.Add noise set on 80.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.
Back to psp,close1 highlight2,add noise set on90.
Edit copy paste in animation shop after current frame.
Back to psp.close 2 highlight3.add noise set on 100.
Edit copy paste in animation shop after current frame.
View animation,save as.
File new 150x150,fill with all your layers from your banner.
Resize each layer x 75,sharpen as you go.
Highlight main background,selet all float,modify contrastx2.
Invert,new layer,fill with same colour you used on your banner.drage to top,select none.
Add copyright and your licence.
Add the first letter of your name,add gradient.
Work as for your banner to animated by copying and pasteing into animation shop
as you did on your banner.View animation,save as.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

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