Irish eyes are smiling

Tube of choice i used Zlata_M
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
Wordart HERE.
St Patrick's Day animations 282.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Font of choice i used Impact on caps.
File new 650x300,fill with white.
New layer fill with #096F3B.Add,dot and cross,default.
Preset tool,rectangle,Antialis create as vector ticked,line width 3.
Fill colour #096F3B.Draw rectangle,just under 1nch,and3 squares of
inside left of template.Add psp noise,uniform 100.Add EC gradiant glow thin white on3.
Magic wand click in center fill with #34AD47.
Resize tube by55.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Move over towards left 0f template.
New layer on top of all layers,select all float,fill with #34AD47.modify contrast by6 hit delete
do not deselect.fill with all,float modify contrastby3,hit delete.
Magic wand click on darker frame,add psp noise uniform both frames.
Open my wordart,paste as new layer to right of tube.
Open Lucky pot of gold,Paste as new layer,top and bottom of rectangle.
Add name rotate 90 degrees left.Place between pots of gold.add noise as above.drop shaddow.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop as new animation.Duplicate 20times.
Edit select all edit copy,highlight 1st.frame of tag,edit select all,
edit paste in selected frame,place over the e in are of wordart,
veiw animation,save as.
Take crop tool set on 150x150,move so head and shoulders are showing on right.
Apply same frame borders as on banner.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name rotate to fit down left of template,drop shaddow.Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

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