Tube of choice,iused verymany.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Beautiful Angel kit.HERE.
Zuzzanna_Mask07.thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice i used Satisfaction.
Drop shaddow throughout.
File new 650b650,fill with white.
Resize paper 27.by60,paste as new layer.Mask new from image,
select and apply mask.Merge mask visable.Add psp weave effect,as followes.
Gap size2.Width9.Opacity7.Weave and gap colour #AF1513.Fill gaps ticked.Duplicate.
Resize177.by75,paste as new layer,hit delete.
Resize Frame4,by60,paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click inside frame,modify exspand by5.
Resize paper26.by60,paste as new layer,invert,hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize tube by45,paste as new layer bottom center of frame.
Use freehand tool point to point,carefully draw around the bottom ot tube
you do not want showing overlapping frame,see mine for details.
Sharpen,duplicate,ad gussian blur on3.Drop shaddow original layer and frame.
Resize80.by20.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize11.by25,paste as new layer on top center of80.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize43.by20.Paste as new layer.Image mirror,place on top of fingers of tube.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.Erase part of lantern to make it look she is holding it.
Resize17 by30.Image mirror.paste as new layer bottom right of frame.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize18.by30.on top bottom center of frame,sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize37.by10,image mirror,place on top bottom right of80.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize118.by45,paste as new layer,on top bottom right of mask,Image mirror.
Resize124 by45.Paste on top right of mask,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Duplicate,image mirror.
Resize4.by20.Paste as new layer,image mirror,place top center of frame,
sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize53.by30.Paste as new layer top right of frame.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize 172.by45.Paste as new layer on top left of tubes head.
Rotate slightly to the left.
Add url copyright and licence number.
add name bottom center of tag,add EC gradient glow,thin white on3.
Delete white background,Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.
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