You need a licence to use this art you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Kiss of gold scrapkit HERE.Thankyou Mel
Mask NR02 HERE.Thanks Vaybs
Font of choice i used MC Sweet Hearts.
File new 650x650 fill with white.
New layer fill with paper of choice i colourized mine
then add a noise mask new from image select and apply mask
merge mask layer visable.
Resize heart frame72 paste as new layer on top of mask
move to top left of mask magic wand click in centre
selections modify exspand by5 paste paper of choice
selections invert delete on keyboard drag below frame
select add weave effect none drop shaddow frame.
Resize heart frame 73 paste as new layer place on top
bottom of heart frame 72 magic wand click in centre
selections modify exspand by5 paste paper of choice selections
invert delete on keyboard select none drag below frame
add tramages tow the line plugin drop shaddow frame.
Highlight top left frame magic wand click in centre selections
modify exspand by1 resize trail49 paste as new layer
selections invert delete on keyboard drag below frame drop shaddow.
Resize tube of choice paste as new layer centre of frames drop shaddow
Resize flower42 paste as new layer place to left
of top left frame drop shaddow move on top of mask duplicate
image mirror place between hearts frames.
Resize flower43 paste as new layer place on top frames
below flower42 drop shaddow duplicate image mirror place
on top of other flower.
Resize dove75 paste as new layer placebottom left of frames drop shaddow.
Resize hearts pendant37 paste as new layer place
to right centre of frame drop shaddow.
Resize fan7 paste as new layer place below hearts pendant
rotate drop shaddow.
Resize wine19 paste as new layer place on top right
of tube leg and on top of fan drop shaddow rotate.
Resize wine glass 20 paste as new layer place
on top right of left tubes left leg drop shaddow duplicate
place to left on top of 1st. wine glass rotate.
Resize rose 29 paste as new layer image mirror place
on top just below wine drop shaddow duplicate image mirror
place on top right of 1st.rose.
Use freehand tool draw around the wine in both glasses and
top and bottom of the wine bottle add noise set on 50.
Add name place to top right of tube rotate drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Resize crop delete white background layer.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.
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