Girl Power

Tube of choice i used Ladymishka.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
Template 125 HERE.Thank you for sharing.
Tramages tow the line plugin.
Font of choice i used Ringbearer.
My method for filling template layers...
Highlight layer your wanting to fill, select all float
new layer fill with colour of choice delete original layer.
Open template delete credit layer.
Highlight layer5 select all float fill with colour of choice
i used red/black then a made gradient from the black.
Set on sunburst 60.50.2.
Open close up tube image mirror paste as new layer
selections invert delete on keyboard select none
 delete original layer 5.Change blend mode on your tube to overlay.
Layer4 i added tramages tow the line plugin.
Layers 9.10 and 13 i added psp weave effect.
layer24 i added a noise set on 100.
Leave layer26 as it is, do not delete layer24 and 14.
Open and resize main tube paste as new layer place on top right
of template duplicate on original tube gussian blur set on 5
drop shaddow top tube and duplicate.
Add url copyright and watermark.
Add name place to top slightly left of template drop shaddow.
Image resize all layers 650 width.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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