Dark Dreamer

Tube of choice i used Alex_Prihodko.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
Dark Dreamer cluster frame HERE. Thanks for sharing.
Font of choice i used Cardinal Alternate.
Open cluster frame image canvas size 650 pixels width.
Magic wand click in center of frame selections
modify exspand by10.
Open tube of choice i used the background that
came with my choice, resized it then copy and pasted as new layer
selections invert delete on keyboard drag below frame layer select none.
Paste tube again drag to top of 1st.tube align up tubes
add drop shaddow to top tube use selection tool
cut bottom of tube.
Add url copyright and licence.
Add name place to bottom left of frame drop shaddow.
save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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