Spring Sale

Tube of choice i used FTU Lia.
http://www.linmida.com lovely site.
Tube.HERE.Thanks for sharing.
FTU kit Shop Till You Drop.HERE.
Mask167 HERE.Thanks for sharing.
Font of choice i used Satisfaction.
File new 650x650 fill with white,new layer fill with paper9.
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize scatter,paste as new layer on top bottom right of mask drop shaddow,duplicate image mirror.
Resize frame3,paste as new layer on top center of mask,Magic wand click in center
modify exspand by5,paste paper10 as new layer,invert delete on keyboard,drag below frame.
Resize Cityscape paste as new layer bottom of frame,dropshaddow,delete on keyboard
Resize banner paste as new layer drop shaddow delete on keyboard.Select none.drop shaddow frame.
Resize clock paste as new layer,top left inside frame,drop shaddow sharpen.
Resize Dollar day paste as new layer top left corner of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize Wa1,paste as new layer top of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize doodle paste as new layer on top right corner of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize Tube paste as new layer on top right of frame,drop shaddow.
Resize Heel,paste as new layer image mirror drop shaddow,place on bottom left corner of frame.
Resize Purse paste as new layer,on topright of heel,drop shaddow.
Resize Lipstick paste as new layer on top left of purse,drop shaddow.
Resize Nail polish,paste as new layer on top right of lipstick,drop shaddow.
Resize Money paste as new layer on top right of purse,rotate right slightly
drop shaddow,paste,erase overlapping money on front of purse,like its inside purse.
Resize Lotion paste as new layer right of purse,drop shaddow,drag below money.
Resize purple bag,paste as new layer right of lotion slightly behind lotion.drop shaddow.
Resize Panties,paste as new layer on top bottom right of bag,drop shaddow,rotate left slightly.
Resize Bra,paste as new layer,on top bottom of panties,drop shaddow,rotate right slightly.
Resize Dollarsign paste as new layer on top right of frame,drop shaddow.
Add url and copyright.Add name bottom right of tag,drop shaddow.
delete white background,Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoye doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice tutorial. The Lia tube I downloaded from here was a witch tube, not the one in the tag.


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