Outback Christmas

Tube of choice,i used Barbara Jensen.Package48.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
PTU Outback Xmas taggers Kit HERE.
Winni_Mask_5.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
dsb Flux bright noise.
Eye Candy gradient glow.
VM Natural Sparkle.
Font of choice i used BILLY ARGEL FONT.
Drop shaddow throught stated otherwise.
File new 650x650,fill with white,New layer.
Copy and paste paper18.as new layer,mask new from image,
select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize frame7.by75.Sharpen.Paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click in center,modify exspand by2.
Copy and paste paper5 as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.Add psp weave effect.
Resize tube by75.paste as new layer bottom center of frame,hit delete.
Copy and paste tube again on top of original tube,drop shaddow,
Erase overlapping of tube at the bottom of frame.
Resize frame1 by75.Paste as new layer on top of all layers.Drop shaddow.
Cut head and shoulders off the tube,resize,paste as new layer on top of original,
Sharpen then drop shaddow,erase the shaddow line on tube.
Resize trees by55,Paste as new layer on top bottom left of frame,
Sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize Bow5,paste as new layer on top bottom left of frame1.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Centerpiece by45.Paste as new layer bottom center of frame1,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize butterfly4 by30.Paste as new layer on top bottom right of centerpeice,
Sharpen twice,drop shaddow.
Resize Cone by30,paste as new layer to right of butterfly,drag below bow.
Sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize Gifts by45,paste as new layer,bottom left of centerpiece,
Sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize Gift2 by30,paste as new layer on top bottom left of trees,
drag below Gifts.Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Santa by45,paste as new layer bottom right of frame.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Deco3 by30,paste as new layer right center of frame,
Sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize Bird by15,paste as new layer on top of birdhouse perch.
sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize bop2 by15,paste as new layer just above bow,sharpen twice,drop shaddow,duplicate.
Repeat with Bop1.Arrange these bops to your own liking.
Resize Ribbon curl2.by75 paste as new layer on top bottom of mask,drop shaddow.
Add url,copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of tag,Add EC gradient glow,thin white set on1.Drop shaddow.
Crop around tag,Resize 650pixel width,all layers ticked.
Effects,plugins,VM Natural Sparkle.change Max size to 13.Edit copy merged.
Paste in animation shop as new animation.Back to psp,undo sparkle,
Add sparkle max size 17.Edit copy merged,paste in animation shop after current frame.
Repeat as above,change Max size to 20 on 3rd.layer.and 23 on 4th.layer.
View animation,save as.

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