It's My Party

Tube of choice,i used Danny Lee.
You need a licence to use this art,you can purchase one HERE.
FTU Bundle 4 of freebies.I used It's my party.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
BBD mask 163.Thanks Babs for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient glow plugin.
Font of choice,i used Calamity Jane NF.
Drop shaddow throughout unless stated otherwise.
File new 650x650,fill with white,Copy and paste paper6,paste as new layer
mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize frame4 by75.Paste as new layer place center of mask.Sharpen.
Magic wand,click in center,Modify exspand by5.Resize paper2 by75.Sharpen.
Paste as new layer,invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize close up tube by50,paste as new layer left of frame.Sharpen.
Hit delete.Drop shaddow tube.Duplicate,Gussian blur set on 5.
Change blend mode on oriignal tube Soft light.Duplicate,blend mode Screen.
Resize main tube by60.paste as new layer down right side of frame.
Sharpen.Duplicate,Gussian blur on5.Blend mode to soft light.drop shaddow 0riginal tube.
Effects plugins,Xero.Porcelain.Softness60.Strength and Brightness both on 128.
Resize Balloons by85.Paste as new layer bottom right side of frame,
sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize cake1 by45.Paste as new layer bottom left of balloons.Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Champagne by45.Place to bottom right of cake,Sharpen,drop shaddow.Drag below cake.
Resize Pearls and glass by30.paste as new layer right of Chamagne,Sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize Invitation by40.Paste as new layer bottom right of full tube,
Sharpen then drop shaddow.Resize mask2 by25.Paste as new layer.
Place just above Champagne,Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Pearls by35.paste as new layer  on top bottom of invitation
and Champagne.Sharpen,then drop shaddow.
Resize present2 by35.Paste as new layer bottom left of frame behind glass.
sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize Present1 by30.Paste as new layer behind present2.Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Wordart by30.Paste as new layer to top left of frame.
Add EC Gradient glow then drop shadow.
Resize sparkles2 by75.Paste as new layer top left of frame,Sharpen.
Duplicate image mirror.duplicate image flip,duplicate image mirror.
Highlight background,fill with Black,erase all the sparkles overlapping
the frame,then fill background again with white.
Resize stars by 75,paste as new layer under sparkles,place to your liking.
Add url,copyright and licence number.
Add name to bottom right of tag,EC gradient glow, black Halo change colou to #B89549
drop shaddow

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