Cafe de Paris

Tube of choice i used David Saavedra.
I purchased mine from PTE before closing down,but you can get it on Diviant art.HERE.
PTU Cafe de Paris kit.HERE..
BBD Mask_167.Thanks for sharing.HERE.
Eye Candy gradient Glow.
Font of choice i used Satisfaction.
Drop shaddow throughout.
File new 650x700.Fill with white,Paste 157 as new layer,
Mask new from image,select and apply mask,merge mask visable.
Resize89 by 75 paste as new layer,top right of mask,Drop shaddow,
duplicate image mirror.
Resize83 by60,paste as new layer left center of mask,
drop shaddow,duplicate image mirror.
Resize18 by60,paste as new layer left towards bottom of mask,
drop shaddow,image mirror.
Englarge frame7 by120,paste as new layer on top center of mask.
Magic wand,click in center,modify exspand by5.
Resize20 by60,sharpen,Paste as new layer showing ifel tower to the right.
Invert hit delete,drag below frame.
Resize38 by23 paste as new layer,bottom center of frame,
Sharpen twice,drop shaddow.Add wordarts in white,see mine for details.
Select none,Drop shaddow frame.
Resize42 by15,paste as new layer inside top of frame,
Sharpen twice,drop shaddow.
Resize7 by50,paste as new layer,top left of frame,drop shaddow,
erase dangler image mirror.
Resize17 by15 paste as new layer top right of spray,sharpen,drop shaddow,
Resize4 by30,paste as new layer,right of frame,drop shaddow.Image mirror.
Resize35 by55.Paste as new layer,bottom left of framw.
Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize34 by60,paste as new layer.image mirror,place  right of table,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize10 by30,paste as new layer on top center of chair,Sharpen then drop shaddow.
Resize105 by10,rotate slightly to right,place center of table,
Sharpen twice then drop shaddow.
Resize99 by20,paste as new layer right of biscuits,Drop shaddow.
Resize101 by20 image mirror,place right of teapot,sharpen,drop shaddow.
Resize tube by90,image mirror,place left of frame.drop shaddow.
Add Cafe de Paris word art on bag,rotate slightly.
Add url copyright and licence number.
Add name bottom right of tag,add EC gradient glow,Halo black on3.
Delete background,crop if needed.Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut,thanks for trying it.

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