Summer joy

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Tube of choice i used Suzanne Woolcott.
You need a licence to use this art, you can purchase one HERE.
FTU FM. Sweet and fruity scrap kit HERE.Thankyou Sylvie
WSL mask63 HERE.Thanks Chelle
Font of choice i used Vrinda.
File new 600x650 fill with white.
New layer fill with paper of choice maske
new from image select and apply mask merge mask visable.
I resized my mask by 130 percentage of original.
Resize frame46 paste as new layer on top of mask.
Magic wand click in center selections modify exspand by5
paste paper of choice selections invert delete on keyboard
select none drag below frame.
Add psp weave effect on size2 colour green.
Open tube if useing same as mine use selection tool
cut round tube paste as new image erase any other tube
showing paste as new layer to bottom of frame drop shaddow.
Resize sunflower11 paste as new layer place
on top of tubes left hand drop shaddow
erase part of stem to show hand .
Resize apples43 and44 paste as new layers place
just beneath tubes hand drop shaddow place side by side rotate both.
Resize umbrella26 paste as new layer place
just over the right of the teddy with the tube drop shaddow.
Resize icecream23 paste as new layer place
on top left of teddy drop shaddow erase part to
show teddys arm holding icecream.
Resize 3 sun flowers of choice paste as new layers
drop shaddow as you go place one on top of the other down
right side of frame.
Resize butterfly41 paste as new layer place
on top of flowers drop shaddow.
Resize star ribbon38 paste as new layer place
top left of frame drop shaddow erase part of stick.
Add name place just underneath feet of tube drop shaddow.
Add url copywrite and watermark.
Resize crop delete background layer merge layers visable.
Save as PNG.
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut, thanks for trying it.

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